200 E. 90th Drive
If you're facing criminal charges, consider hiring one of the best criminal attorneys in your area. You could get a court-appointed criminal attorney if your income doesn't allow you to hire one, albeit depending on where you live, they might have heavier caseloads. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, only 27% of county-based and 21% of state-based public defender offices have enough lawyers to deal with their caseloads.
Unfortunately, justice systems around the world make it virtually impossible to represent yourself in criminal proceedings. So, what can you expect when working with criminal attorneys? Read on to learn more.
A criminal attorney knows how to work with witnesses. They can gather evidence and statements from witnesses that the prosecution will use. This will help, as they can find ways to poke holes in their statements to favor your case.
A criminal attorney has the necessary experience to give you a reality check on case outcomes. They understand what's happening during your trial and can even predict your case's outcome based on the reactions of the judge and jury members.
These assessments are vital when your criminal attorney is advising you on whether or not you should accept a plea bargain offered by your case's prosecutor.
A criminal attorney will work with you and the case prosecutor to negotiate a plea bargain, should you require one. What is a plea bargain? A plea bargain is an arrangement between the prosecutors and the defense that will find the defendant guilty but often comes with a reduced sentence. Sometimes, a plea bargain can result in fewer charges against you in total.
Hiring one of the best criminal attorneys is handy in such a situation because they know the prosecutors, so getting your sentence reduced is an easier task.
Your criminal attorney can use their resources and experience to try to get you a more manageable sentence, should you be found guilty. For instance, rather than going to jail for some time for drug possession, your criminal attorney could try to get you a reduced sentence, meaning you may only spend a few months in jail and a few months in a rehabilitation facility.
As you can see, criminal attorneys can boost your chances of winning a case or getting a favorable plea bargain. If you're facing criminal charges, consider hiring Woodward Law Offices LLP — one of the best criminal attorneys in the area.
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